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what was the six o clock meaning? I thought perhaps it meant she
would come again in a vision around six o clock; at least that was
128 ___________________________Carol A. Freeman
what I was hoping for. I thought I would probably stay the evening
and leave the next morning, which would be the fourth day. I felt
I could probably make it though the night, though with my back
aching and as weak as I felt, I wasn t sure. Another thought came
to me that I always tended to push my body. I needed to recognize
when to quit, and I needed to know my limitations. Just then to
the left of me I saw a red shirt, and Chief Phil Crazy Bull came
up the path. He was a welcome sight, and he had brought some
water. I told him of my vision and that I was thinking of going
down, but because of what I had seen in the bowl of the Chanupa
I felt I should stay. He assured me that he thought the six o clock
time was Sharon letting me know he would be there, and indeed
it was around six o clock when he came up. He assured me I could
go down and that Sharon would be in the Inipi ceremony that
evening. I asked him if I could wait for him to come back and
go down with him, but he said it would be a while, since he had
to give water to all the other people on the mountain. With his
assurance I decided to go down, but felt uneasy not knowing the
way. He told me the way to go, and I asked him if I wasn t down
at the bottom of the mountain when he got there, to please look
for me remembering the first year I had gone to Hanbleca and had
gotten lost coming off the mountain. He agreed, and I closed up
my Hochaka. I tried to put things away in my backpack as much as
I could. I tied my white set of prayer ties to the willow, so the entire
area was closed up. I took my Chanupa with me and headed down
the path. I hoped I was going in the right direction and prayed as
I took each step.  Tunkashila Ompa Wa. I didn t know where the
words came from, but I repeated them each step down the trail. My
hands were shaky, and I felt weak, exhausted, and prayed I would
make it down okay. I followed the path, but it started to take me
away from what I thought was the right direction and more into
the canyon. I felt I was going in the wrong direction. I trusted my
prayers and continued on the same path. It circled around and
As The Eagle Cries___________________________ 129
eventually led me on a path I felt familiar with. I could now see
the house below and a car. I knew I would be all right. I looked up
from the path and saw Ron s car coming down the top of the hill
to the area below where I was. He opened the door of the car, and
I got in. My back was aching so bad, I couldn t sit still. He gave me
some water and that seemed to help the pain in my back. The more
water I drank, I realized it wasn t my back at all but my kidneys
that were bothering me. We waited in the car thinking there may
be other people needing to come down after Phil went up with the
water to talk to each one of them. As I looked around, I could see
visions all around me. I could see faces of people in the trees, in the
sage bushes, in the sandy areas of the mountain. No matter where I
looked, I could see these visions. The first year this occurred it was
a scary experience for me, but I now realized it was a connection I
had made to the spirit world.
One hour passed, and we saw Phil coming down the mountain
with three other women. Ron drove all four of us back to the lodge,
and we were immediately taken into the sweat lodge as we could
not speak to anyone until we had completed the last two rounds
of the Inipi ceremony. As I sat in the sweat lodge with the other
women, I started to see several other visions. I looked around
and noticed to my left a woman all in white in the sweat lodge
leaning up against the back of the lodge, someone I had not seen
before, and I realized she was a spirit. There were visions of people
on the side of the lodge and on the rug in the lodge. I looked
toward the entrance of the lodge, and there was a tiny figure about
twelve inches high, something I had never seen before. One of the
supporters stuck his head in and asked if the other women were
okay, and I realized he didn t see this twelve-inch little man at the
entrance to the lodge, because he walked right over him. At this
point I realized not everyone was seeing what I was seeing. Outside [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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