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and covered Thomas' hand with his own.
It was their ending, and it left Alex feeling satisfied.
The curtain fell for the final time, and he turned to
Marmaduke, his palms smarting from clapping, only to
Spoken from the Heart - 83
discover his new friend had left during the tumult of
Alex rose to his feet, ignoring the hissed disapproval
from the people behind him, but Marmaduke had
vanished into the crowd.
Spoken from the Heart - 84
Chapter Six
Julian looked down the table at Alex experiencing a
warm glow of approval. Alex was behaving beautifully,
neither pushing himself forward in a way Julian's friends
would resent, nor being stupidly shy and shrinking. He
spoke when addressed, answering freely without talking
too long, and now and then asked a question and
listened attentively to the answer.
It helped that he'd been full of praise for every actor
at the table, his enjoyment of the play evident enough
that it made his compliments clearly sincere.
Julian had been curious about Alex's opinion of his
first play, but in the tumult backstage it hadn't been
possible for Alex to do more than murmur something
disjointed, his eyes full of a worshipful admiration.
Once the group had reached the Groat and Goat, the
tavern they frequented most often, they had been
separated, with the actresses who played Clarissa and
Anette converging on Alex with gleaming eyes.
Julian had contemplated a rescue, but in the end had
shrugged. Alex was old enough to require some
grounding in the art of flirtation, and Melissa and Claire
wouldn't break his heart.
It occurred to him, watching Alex try not to stare at
Claire's cleavage with the fascination it deserved, that he
still didn't know where Alex's tastes lay when it came to
a bedmate. The flicker of Alex's tongue against his prick
had suggested some experience with men, but Alex was
responding to the overtures the two young women were
making as if he was truly delighted to be seduced.
Well, no matter. Julian didn't intend to cross that line,
no matter how much Alex's freshness appealed. It was
that very freshness and innocence that put Alex out of
Spoken from the Heart - 85
reach. Julian had seen the stricken hurt in Alex's eyes as
he knelt and the flash of anger that had sustained Alex
through his ordeal. Julian wished to see neither again.
No matter that Julian harbored a wish to make love to
Alex and show him some tenderness, give him pleasure
and watch that responsive face tighten and twist with it,
Alex's hands gripping him, urging him on&
"Julian, get your mind out of the clouds and tell me
what you wish to drink, man."
Julian turned his head to smile at Damon, his love in
the play, though never in life. Damon had married early
and was already the father of twin girls. Damon adored
them, but they were teething and he'd cravenly taken
refuge in the tavern, leaving Sarah to deal with their
fretful, broken sleep.
"Ale, my friend, nut-brown ale."
"That's not your usual," Damon objected. "You
wouldn't care for a glass of Reckton Red?"
Julian shuddered. "I would not. I'd sooner drink
Damon took a sip from his glass. "It's not that bad."
"It's swill," Julian said, as if he hadn't been drinking it
himself the day before. "Listen to what your mouth tells
"I like it," Damon said cheerfully, and tossed the
contents of his glass down his throat.
Julian opened his mouth to argue the point when a
chance lull in the conversation around the table allowed
him to hear what Melissa was saying to Alex, her voice
creamy smooth.
"So tell me, sweetling, how did you meet Julian?"
Too late, he realized that beyond forbidding Alex to
reveal how they'd met, he hadn't dreamed up a story that
would satisfy an idle questioner -- which Melissa most
Spoken from the Heart - 86
certainly was. If it didn't affect her directly, she patted
her blonde curls, lowered extravagantly darkened lashes
over her deep blue eyes, and ignored it. That she was
troubling herself to ask Alex anything meant only that
she was interested in bedding him.
Julian strained his ears to follow the conversation,
wishing he was sitting closer so he could join it, but
unable to do so without giving the question too much
weight. Now that, Melissa most certainly would notice.
"Why, we found ourselves sharing a table at Mistress
Lindy's," Alex replied, and Julian relaxed. Alex wasn't
lying, but he was shaping the truth in a way that came
close. The casual use of the restaurant's name as if he'd
been there often, the indifferent shrug as he recounted a
dull story& perfect if unexpected. "As we talked, he
mentioned an opening at the theater, and I was most
happy to hear that. I'm new to the city and needed to
find work. "
He leaned closer and lowered his voice. Julian
couldn't catch Alex's words, but from the way Melissa
bridled, a coy smile appearing, it was unlikely the topic
under discussion was still how he and Alex had met.
Long before he would usually have turned his steps
toward home, Julian was ready to leave. He had an early
rehearsal and Duncan would be expecting Alex not long
after sun-up. He paid his bill and discreetly arranged for
anything Alex ordered to be added to his account in case
Alex chose to linger. After saying his farewells, he made
his way to Alex, who was propping up a wall in a dark
corner with Melissa clinging to his arm. Claire seemed
to have lost interest in Alex, which didn't surprise Julian
overmuch. She tended to prefer men with deep pockets,
and Alex was a little green for her tastes.
"Time to go."
Spoken from the Heart - 87
"Julian, you can't possibly be tearing Alex away from
me -- from us -- so soon." Melissa pouted sweetly, but
there was an annoyed glint in her eyes that spoke of
Well, even if Alex did intend to succumb to her
charms, it would do him no disservice in Melissa's eyes
to appear difficult to capture, even if his reluctance was
an illusion. It might, unless he was clumsy, even get him
a second chance to warm her sheets.
"Sadly, we must be awake at an unheard of early hour.
What did Spicer say? 'Dreams interrupted by the shriek
of a rooster, sleep split asunder by the clamor of a
"I neither know nor care," she snapped, before
turning a melting look upon Alex. "Dear boy. Such a
delight to see a new face. One grows so tired of those
who seem forever underfoot, like naughty puppies."
Amused, Julian held back his impulse to yap at her
and caught Alex's eye, seeing nothing but relief in the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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