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arms dropping limply just like a rag doll.
do that very well so that in my hand I could
Feel good all over now, legs relaxed, that's
feel the pain as I was trying to hold it. I had
it, totally relaxed. Feet turning out, let them
a yellow balloon but I was concentrating
turn out. Relax those long thigh muscles.
more on this so the left hand didn't go up
although it seems as though I was working I'm going to count from five down to one
on it, trying to decide my own mind. and as I do, your eyelids lock so tightly
closed, the more you try to open them the
BOYNE: Trying is lying! For example:
tighter they are locking closed. Five, eyelids
Bob is standing here in front of me and I
pressing down. At four they are pressing
take a pencil and throw it on the floor and
down and sealing shut. Three, they are
say to him 'Bob, try to pick up the pencil.'
feeling as if they were glued. At two they are
He picks it up and hands it to me. I throw it
locked, the more you try to open them the
on the floor again and say, 'Bob, try to pick
tighter they are locking closed. One, try to
up the pencil.' He picks it up and hands it to
open your eyelids and find they are stuck
me and says, 'What's going on? I'm picking
tight. Make a try and satisfy yourself. Now
it up.' He would have a valid point because
you can stop trying and just relax.
my request is inappropriate. 'Try' indicates
difficulty and potential for failure. Now let's Listen carefully now, this is going to be
change it. If I were an orthopedic surgeon your signal. Whenever I look straight at you
and Bob had had a disc surgery and we were when y our eyes are open, and say these two
working to regain flexibility in his back words, Sleep now, and snap my fingers
because he's never been able to bend over like this, on the finger snap your eyelids
that far since the surgery - and I say 'Bob, try close down and you go deeper in sleep, even
to pick up that pencil,' all of a sudden it has deeper than you are right now. Now, at the
meaning, because we are acknowledging the count of three, eyelids open, looking straight
difficulty and the possibility for failure. ahead, I'll say the words Sleep now, snap
That's what 'try' means. 'Trying is lying' - if my fingers, eyelids close down, deeper in
it is possible for you to do it, either you ARE sleep. One, two, three, opening, opening,
doing it or you ARE NOT doing it. When opening, Sleep now. Close them down and
you say 'try' you are saying, 'excuse me for go deeper. Each time I say those words,
not doing it, but I tried - God knows I tried. ' Sleep now, and snap my fingers, your
eyelids close down and you go much deeper
STUDENT: Yes, I did see a balloon but
in sleep, deeper than you are right now.
not the bucket. What concerned me was that
Again at the count of three. One, two, three,
I had a terrible pain in my arm, and I was
opening, opening, sleep now, and again,
holding the bucket in my right hand and that
much deeper than before. Once again, one,
is the arm that should have hurt.
two, three, opening, opening, sleep now,
BOYNE: How's your shoulder now?
that's good. And again, one, two, three,
opening, opening, opening, sleep now. That
STUDENT: It's a little better.
will always be your signal, when I say those
BOYNE: Come on over here please.
words, Sleep now, and snap my fingers,
Turn and face me. That's it. Pull your feet
eyelids close down and go deeper in sleep. A common method of inducing trance is
One, two, three, opening, opening, sleep to fatigue and tire the central nervous system
now. I'll count to three this time, eyelids through the presentation of monotonous,
open, come right up on your feet. One, two, repetitive ideas incorporating suggestions of
three, eyelids open. All right, let's talk about sleep, relaxation, turning loose and letting
that for a moment. go. In other words, there is a lack of content,
so that the intellectual mind, screening for
You kind of surprised yourself didn't
content finds that there is little to analyze. In
which case, it can begin to disconnect and
STUDENT: Everything just went out
once that filtering screen relaxes, the
from under me.
subconscious becomes open and receptive.
BOYNE: Now do you think that you
At some point, whether during the first
were in a trance?
session or a later one, the client can enter
into a trance. However, the fractional
STUDENT: Well, I was conscious of
relaxation method, which means relaxing
everything that you were saying.
parts of the body by using the mind, is
BOYNE: Let's check it out. How many
useful, only as an additional induction. It is
think this lady went into a trance up here?
not nearly as useful as some would have you
Raise your hand.
believe. The analytic type of person, or the
nervous type of person, will not respond to a
STUDENT: Marlene I think you were
fractional relaxation. Another way we can
in a trance because your eyelids were
approach the nervous system is to overload
fluttering and twitching and you were
it and we are going to demonstrate these
responding to his suggestions.
principles in this class.
BOYNE: Next person.
STUDENT: Marlene, I think you were
in hypnosis because of the eye fluttering and
because your breathing began to get deeper.
The primary identifying characteristic of
SUBJECT: When you said to go deeper
trance is that the subject develops an
in sleep, I felt my chest expand.
extraordinary quality of mental, physical and
STUDENT: Marlene, I believe you emotional relaxation. This extraordinary
were in a trance because I don't think you quality of relaxation is so unusual that you
would have ever fallen against Gil or fallen will hear people say, I've never felt so
on the floor, in front of a group of people. relaxed in all my life, after they have been
in a trance. People who are hypertensive and
SUBJECT: That's right, I wouldn't have
those whose blood pressure levels are high,
done that.
go into trance for the first time and say Oh,
that's fantastic.
I use the word extraordinary, because
it is greater and more profound than any
It is the response of the central nervous
kind of relaxation you can get from any pills
system that creates trance. Therefore, the
you can take.
central nervous system is the instrument that
This extraordinary quality of mental,
we must use in creating trance.
physical and emotional relaxation begins to
trigger a therapeutic response throughout the PAVING THE WAY FOR SUCCESS
body. Simply entering trance on a regular FUL INDUCTION OF TRANCE
basis reduces tension levels which reduces
anxiety levels. People who have been having
1. Exciting the Imagination!
trouble sleeping, begin to sleep better, they
Your success as a Hypnotherapist will be
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