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designated safe rooms where employees would assemble during an intruder attack or evacuation
meeting points in case of a fire. In the event of a fire or intruder crisis, valuable time would be
lost giving directions to employees or placing all employees in safe locations. Sound security
practices dictate that routine emergency drills are critical to a successful response in crises.
Recommendation 15: The Office of Cuban Broadcasting should conduct and document routine
fire and intruder drills and identify safe rooms. (Action: OCB)
[Redacted] (b) (5), [Redacted] (b) (7)(F)
[Redacted] (b) (5), [Redacted] (b) (7)(F)
Security Committee
The 2010 Federal Interagency Security Committee Standards state that a Facility Security
Committee should be in place to oversee security, life safety, and emergency plans at a Federal
facility. OCB does not have a Facility Security Committee. The OCB security officer was not
aware of this requirement. With a committee in place, acceptance and understanding of security
policies would be better understood throughout OCB.
Recommendation 19: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should establish a Facility Security
Committee. (Action: OCB)
Visitor Access List and Secure Telephone Equipment
OCB does not have a visitor access policy or a formalized system for tracking visitors.
Currently, guests often arrive at the facility without proper notification to the guards. In these
cases the guard at Post Three has to radio the guard at Post One, who then needs to get
authorization from the receiving employee. This process is inefficient and diverts the security
personnel s attention toward the cumbersome task of tracking receiving employees and obtaining
verbal authorization. Good security practice mandates a formalized policy and procedure to
receive visitors at a Federal facility. The inspection team made a suggestion that OCB
management implement a visitor access process.
[Redacted] (b) (5), [Redacted] (b) (7)(F)
In reviewing the storage of classified equipment,
List of Recommendations
Recommendation 1: The International Broadcasting Bureau, in coordination with the Office
of Cuba Broadcasting, should implement oversight and contract administration procedures for
Office of Cuba Broadcasting contracts, in accordance with the Federal Acquisition Regulation.
(Action: IBB, in coordination with OCB)
Recommendation 2: The International Broadcasting Bureau, in coordination with the Office
of Cuba Broadcasting should officially designate in writing contracting officer s representatives
for Office of Cuba Broadcasting contracts, confirm that the designation letters are signed and
dated, and include the designation letter in the contracting files, in accordance with the Federal
Acquisition Regulation. (Action: IBB, in coordination with OCB)
Recommendation 3: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting, in coordination with the International
Broadcasting Bureau, should require that contracting officer s representatives for purchase order
vendor contracts comply with contract administration requirements outlined in designation letters
and complete the contractor performance evaluation. (Action: OCB, in coordination with IBB)
Recommendation 4: The International Broadcasting Bureau, in coordination with the Office
of Cuba Broadcasting, should stop using blanket purchase agreements and purchase orders for
purchase order vendor contracts and obtain personal services contract authority for all purchase
order vendor contracts. (Action: IBB, in coordination with OCB)
Recommendation 5: The International Broadcasting Bureau, in coordination with the Office
of Cuba Broadcasting, should review periodically the Office of Cuba Broadcasting s travel card
usage. (Action: IBB, in coordination with OCB)
Recommendation 6: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should finalize the 2011 2012 and
2012 2013 annual performance evaluations for all employees. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 7: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should deobligate $188,015 in
unliquidated obligations for FYs 2009 2012, reprogram $40,632 in unliquidated obligations that
have no-year budget authority, and implement a review system for future unliquidated
obligations for potential deobligation. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 8: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting, in coordination with the International
Broadcasting Bureau, should terminate the current travel agreement of the acting general
manager immediately and fill the general manager position with a full-time permanent employee.
(Action: OCB, in coordination with IBB)
Recommendation 9: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should conduct and update inventory
records, provide updated reports to the International Broadcasting Bureau, Property Management
Office, and implement property internal controls procedures. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 10: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should stop using its current disposal
practice and transfer all excess property to another Federal agency or dispose of it through the
General Services Administration. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 11: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should perform an accurate
capitalized property inventory and provide the report to the International Broadcasting Bureau,
Property Management Office. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 12: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should implement issuance property
management procedures for all nonexpendable and sensitive property. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 13: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should implement procedures for
maintaining and retiring official records. (Action: OCB)
[Redacted] (b) (5), [Redacted] (b) (7)(F)
Recommendation 15: The Office of Cuban Broadcasting should conduct and document
routine fire and intruder drills and identify safe rooms. (Action: OCB)
Recommendation 16: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting, in coordination with the International
Broadcasting Bureau, should replace the emergency intercom at Post One with a modern system
that includes automated voice instructions and alert sounds. (Action: OCB, in coordination with
[Redacted] (b) (5), [Redacted] (b) (7)(F)
Recommendation 19: The Office of Cuba Broadcasting should establish a Facility Security [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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