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may also enhance their salaries by creating images for use ing and the diplomacy, tact, and sensitivity to help patients
as evidence in legal procedures. feel comfortable and safe while they are being pho-
tographed. Some conditions are difficult enough for patients
to handle, so Medical Photographers must present them-
Employment Prospects
selves professionally yet humanely while they work. They
The medical photography field is small and highly competi-
may work from the studio, at hospitals, in doctors offices,
tive, thus employment prospects are expected to be only fair
and at patients homes. It is important that they be able to
for Medical Photographers. According to the Occupational
travel as needed and maintain a flexible attitude.
Outlook Handbook, employment of photographers overall is
predicted to increase about as fast as the average for all
Unions and Associations
occupations, or by about 10 to 20 percent, through the year
2012. Patients and doctors who seek medical histories For educational and networking opportunities, technical
through photographs will continue to hire Medical Photog- expertise, and advice geared specifically to medical commu-
nications specialists, Medical Photographers can join the 2. Speak with your family doctor about upcoming med-
BioCommunications Association and the Health and Science ical trade shows. Attend these shows and be sure to
Communications Association. Medical Photographers can bring business cards with you. Network and speak
also join the Association of Medical Illustrators, either as full
with exhibitors and attendees about their medical
or associate members, depending upon their art disciplines.
photography needs. Find out the names of the Med-
For professional photography resources and discounts on
ical Photographers they work with and contact them
services, they may also join Professional Photographers of
to learn more about the type of work they do.
3. Research the medical photography field to learn which
conditions are photographed. Check the public library
for reference books and conduct Internet searches on
Tips for Entry
medical photography and Medical Photographers.
1. If there is a teaching hospital in your community, call
4. Search for medical publishers to see which photogra-
and ask to speak with the Medical Photographer. Ask
phers they hire and the types of photographs they
for an appointment to discuss the possibility of assist-
ing or observing.
Duties: Provides photographs of the environment above and
below the ocean; photographs beaches, harbors, inlets, Marine Scientist
and relevant natural and human-made elements for scien-
tists, researchers, the U.S. Coast Guard, the U.S. military,
builders of bridges, dams, and other human-made struc-
tures, historians and agencies in Congress and state leg-
Oceanographic Photographer
islative departments; may write and pitch articles and
photographs to magazine and book publishers
Alternate Title(s): Marine Photographer
Researcher or Teacher
Salary Range: $20,000 to $50,000+
Employment Prospects: Fair
Advancement Prospects: Fair
Best Geographical Location(s): Seacoast university cities,
Washington, D.C., and major harbor cities
Education or Training Master s and doctoral degree;
on-the-job training with oceanographers and Oceano-
graphic Photographers
Experience Research work at institutions, environmen-
tal centers; prior writing or teaching experience beneficial
Special Skills and Personality Traits Strong interest
in marine life and oceans, science, research, and math;
comfortable in the water; skilled diver; knowledgeable
about cameras, film, lighting, and accessories that work
best under water; physically fit, with excellent stamina;
excellent interpersonal and communication skills; able to
work independently and on a team; organized; logical;
Special Requirements Specialized scuba diving license
required by various states and countries
Position Description
ships, the U.S. Coast Guard, and for local environmental
Oceanographic Photographers photograph images both groups. Oceanographic Photographers often speak about
below and above water for research about marine life, water their work and their findings at science and research confer-
conditions, and environmental changes and impacts. They ences and sometimes even at city and town council meet-
may document coral reefs and fish habitats, water tempera- ings focused on local environmental issues.
tures and currents, tides and circulation. They photographi- Most Oceanographic Photographers specialize in an area
cally monitor land erosion of beaches and inlet shorelines of oceanography and are trained in underwater photography.
periodically at high and low tides at the request of the town- Their area of expertise may be in marine biology or marine
geology, in which they study seabeds and coastal interac- on lecture circuits, even if it means you must lecture for
tions or analyze marine bacteria, algae, and animals and free, are key to building a name in the business. There are no
their interactions. They may specialize in computer model- statistics currently available for employment predictions for
ing, in which they will create simulations of various Oceanographic Photographers. A close parallel, however,
processes in the ocean to help predict sea level and climate can be drawn to the employment rates of oceanographers
changes. They work in offices, laboratories, and travel to and other related scientists. According to the Occupational
various parts of the world to conduct fieldwork in small Outlook Handbook, the overall employment of environmen-
boats or large research vessels. They take notes on what tal scientists and geoscientists is expected to grow by about
they observe, date-stamp photographs, and use computers to 10 to 20 percent, about as fast as the average for all occupa-
analyze the data. Oceanographic Photographers also spend a tions through 2012. Public policy will spur the job growth,
great deal of time keeping up with research and news in the inducing organizations and companies to comply with envi-
field by reading scientific journals and publications. They ronmental laws and regulations. Environmental scientists [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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